About Us
We started our company with the idea that EVERY leader, entrepreneur, or professional, could benefit from authoring a book. They simply need a step-by-step process that works and some professional guidance to help them avoid common mistakes.
In our suite of products and services, we are proud to offer just that. From Ghostwriting or Co-Writing services, to our SAVVY Author mentorship or mentorship PLUS program, we help you plan and create the right book to meet your goals.
Yes, crafting your message for the world takes work, and creating your book is a process; it can be difficult to figure out on your own. We are here to help!
With more than two decades of experience, WE have the knowledge to help you with any stage of the journey to becoming a published author!
Influence MATTERS with Clara Rose
Join me each week for the Influence MATTERS show as we talk about crafting your message and other MATTERS of influence.
PLUS, we often have special guests on the show (SAVVY Authors or entrepreneurs) who are making a difference in the world around them.
Either way, if you are building a business, ministry, cause, or brand this Podcast is for You!
Join Us Here!